Saturday, December 16, 2017

London Harper birth Story

A letter to my daughter on her as her first Birthday approches!
December 21st 2016, Mommy had a check up for you and me at 37 weeks 5 days. The doctor took my blood pressure and realized it was getting dangerous like it was with big brother. Brother and Mommy had a rough start to life so we did not want that to happen again. The doctor quickly moved me to a ultrasound room and measured you to make sure you big enough and by her calculations you were weighing in at almost 6 1/2 pounds. She looked at me and said it is possible we will have to induce so you do not have a bad delivery or labor or recovery like with your big brother. She said it was safe to induce because you were big enough. She said she would be right back. I quickly texted your daddy and said it might be time to have a baby girl. The doctor came back in and handed me paperwork that said STAT all over it in bright red letters. She said go to the lab right now get this stuff done and I will call you the second I get the results. I left called Daddy and gave him the news drove straight to the lab.

At the lab place there were at least 10 people in front of me. I handed the papers to the +receptionist. She stood up and said we have a STAT. A lab lady came out and said come with me. As I was getting dirty looks by the line of people waiting, they drew my blood had me pee in a cup and said the doctor would call you.
Last Picture with you on the inside

 I left the lab called daddy and the grandparents. And drove to get big brother. About two hours had past and Mommy's phone rang. The doctor asked me some questions about how I was feeling and some symptoms I was having. She gave me 2 options, She was leaving town on Saturday and could induce me in the morning at 7 am. or i could wait one more week, come in everyday to get checked up and have the doctor on call do it. I decided to have my doctor do it in the morning since she new all the history and delivered your brother too. I called Daddy and let him know.

The next morning, Grandpa Brent came over at 6 am to get your brother and the puppy.  Daddy and I went to the hospital. Family came, things were happening. Daddy does not do well in hospitals at all. He left to let Grandma and Grandpa in our house who came from Idaho to meet you. Two hours later everyone was back at the hospital. People came in closed the windows and turned off the lights. Mommy was very mad because she wanted to day light giving birth. Everyone was yelling at me to take a nap but it was not going to happen being in labor. Daddy and grandparents left to get lunch so mommy could "nap". Grandma Erin and Aunt Haley stayed with me, I was 6 CM so whatever go get lunch.

Things went really fast after that. Something felt very funny inside mommy.  Nurses were in and out. I looked at Grandma and said I yelled to get Daddy back here now. The nurse looked at Grandma and I and said she is complete. Daddy made it back with little time. A lot of family watched you come into the world and like five pushes you were out. So in 44 Minutes mommy went from a 6 to you were out!

Mommy was so happy she could hold and just look at you and love you since she didn't get to do that with brother. You laid on Mommy for awhile and then I let Daddy have a turn. You came into the world December 22 at 448 pm weighing 5 pounds and 1 Ounce. Mommy had the most incredible experience with you. It was fast and you staying in my room all night and mommy and daddy were so happy. Everyone came and met you. You were under the hospital weight guidelines to going home in the morning. We had to stay 24 full hours after you were born and you had to do a car seat test for 90 minutes since you were so little. you passed and at 5 pm we left.  Grandma Carrie gave mommy the best gifts ever doing all the cooking and cleaning for a week so I could cuddle you and your brother.

Your bother didn't was not sure about you at first, but trust me he loves you. 

This past year went by way faster then your brothers first year. You definitely gave your daddy and I grey hairs the several times you were hospitalized for breathing problems, and that very scary time I had to call 911 because you were breathing funny.  But you have taught us so much. You are the best little Sister, and Daughter. You made our family complete and we Love you so very much. We love watching you grow everyday. Your going to take off walking any day and I am sure running shortly after that.

You eat everything in sight, that probably why you out weigh brother


Monday, April 24, 2017

I am a Mom, a Wife, A nanny, A housekeeper, A chef, A nurse, A teacher, A friend, before I am Whitney.

I get told all the time that I am crazy or insane Or why do you where work out clothes everyday. Some of these comments really bother me. (It has been proven time and time again that if stay at home moms get paid it would be a 80,000 yearly pay). These comments sometimes cut me pretty deep and while I do my best to remain positive - they still bug me. It basically said 'I wish I got to stay at home all day and exercise with my child, instead I have to go to work and do WORK...' Work?! You think I don't WORK?! Like being a nanny and a mother is not a job?? I have 5 under 3 almost every day. You think I sit at home all day and twiddle my thumbs? You think having 3 toddlers and 2 babies just let me kick my feet up all day after I've done my morning workout? You think I'm beaming with energy? Just to break it down... I exercise for 20-30 minutes a day at home doing yoga. And let me tell you it is pretty much impossible. I rarely have someone not touching me or needing cuddles or milk. Sometimes stopping 20 times throughout to fetch toys, bring food, telling them stop hair pulling, break up fights over toys and some days, stopping 2 minutes in because it just ain't happening that day! Other days we're so busy or the boys are so CLINGY / CRANKY  the best workout I can get in is running up and down the stairs doing laundry, changing diapers, potty training the two year old or making the three year old go potty or while they eat or while we practice new words, counting, or all the body parts we've learn and those abc's.  I certainly do not spend all day exercising. I just take care of 5 tiny humans that I don't have time to change my clothes or wash my hair. My days are spent changing shitty diapers, dealing with tantrums, playing cars and trucks, making food that gets thrown on the floor before it's even tasted, walking around the block with 5 kids and a dog, trying to make grumpy children nap, attempting to teach four little humans to SHARE instead of bite, pull hair, scratch or push each other. And breastfeeding the infant, singing the alphabet, going for adventures to keep the boys happy, vacuuming 3 times a day because of all that food that I worked so hard to cook wasn't even considered eating, or the dog has more hair on the floor then on herself, oh and did I mention the constant battle of playing referee ALL day between 4 little cheeky monkey boys that guess what do not just play happily and entertain each other all day! For the record, toddlers don't do that!!! Maybe when they're older, yes! I hope so anyway ~ but for now, no. And I also suppose the kitchen gets cleaned all day by itself after every meal. And the bathrooms get cleaned everyday since a three and two year old boy don't know how to aim right (or my husband). How about a pantry that fills itself ??...(I wish). I don't think so,, that's right on the rare occasion I just have my two children we go to the grocery store. Do you know how hard it is for me to load up two kids in a cart and groceries? The four month old still needs to sit in infant car seat and the toddler still needs to sit in basket since he falls if in big area. So the infant carries goes inside the cart and the toddler sits in the basket, Leaving no room for groceries. So I either need two carts by myself or use all my left over energy to go when dad gets home every night. {{If I could figure out away to make a toddler seat with a spot on carts for infant carrier I could be a millionaire}}. So asking me why I wear work out clothes everyday or why don't you where make up everyday comments bug me. Or why don't you get ready you cant go out like that.

I am very fortunate to have a passion for childcare. And I have wonderful friends that entrust in me with their babies. My main goal of the day is to make 5 tiny humans happy before my own needs. Then my husband comes into the picture. It is my job as a stay at home parent while he works to wash his work clothes and make him lunch and dinner, or run his errands. So yes I look like a hot mess most days. But at the end of the day the tiny humans do not care what I look like as long as they are fed, changed and happy. I have a wonderful husband who thinks I look beautiful everyday.  You may think I am crazy or insane or think I just let myself go but I also think you are crazy for looking perfect everyday. Your comments wont change the way I go along with my day after all I am a Mom, a Wife, A nanny, A housekeeper, A chef, A nurse, A teacher, A friend, before I am Whitney.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Welcoming baby London

 I tried my hardest to hold London in until after Christmas, but due to my high blood pressure she made an appearance on December 22, 2016 at 4:42 pm!

This labor went by so quick at 9 hours compared to Lincolns (26.5 hours). I went from a 5-6 to 10 in less then 30 minutes and 6 pushes she was here!

5.1 pounds and 18 inches long! She completes our little family!

She is the tiniest thing I have ever seen! bringing her home from the hospital at 4.14 a whole pound smaller then her brother!

First bath at the hospital! Something I absolutely loved to watch because Lincoln just got a sponge bath
Getting all checked out! They let her stay on me for about 20 minutes, the best thing ever!!!!
A few hours old and a full tummy! As long as she is swaddled she is happy!

A Christmas hat!
Lincoln was not impressed at first but he warmed up to her eventually!

Her going home outfit. the premie clothes were too big on her!

She was not impressed with the carseat
Christmas morning family picture!
Both my kids at a week old! My tiny humans!
First bath at home! she loved it once she got warm!
It is so nice having a room to bring your newborn home to!! YAY for our own house!

Lincoln now asks to hold his sister, which I think is adorable!
I just love her soo much!!!! London Harper! here Daddy picked her name since I picked Lincoln's
Bring a Mom is the greatest! It is true what they say about breastfeeding your kids, The first one it is a bonding experience and the second kid you are yelling at your toddler the whole time!