Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Welcoming baby London

 I tried my hardest to hold London in until after Christmas, but due to my high blood pressure she made an appearance on December 22, 2016 at 4:42 pm!

This labor went by so quick at 9 hours compared to Lincolns (26.5 hours). I went from a 5-6 to 10 in less then 30 minutes and 6 pushes she was here!

5.1 pounds and 18 inches long! She completes our little family!

She is the tiniest thing I have ever seen! bringing her home from the hospital at 4.14 a whole pound smaller then her brother!

First bath at the hospital! Something I absolutely loved to watch because Lincoln just got a sponge bath
Getting all checked out! They let her stay on me for about 20 minutes, the best thing ever!!!!
A few hours old and a full tummy! As long as she is swaddled she is happy!

A Christmas hat!
Lincoln was not impressed at first but he warmed up to her eventually!

Her going home outfit. the premie clothes were too big on her!

She was not impressed with the carseat
Christmas morning family picture!
Both my kids at a week old! My tiny humans!
First bath at home! she loved it once she got warm!
It is so nice having a room to bring your newborn home to!! YAY for our own house!

Lincoln now asks to hold his sister, which I think is adorable!
I just love her soo much!!!! London Harper! here Daddy picked her name since I picked Lincoln's
Bring a Mom is the greatest! It is true what they say about breastfeeding your kids, The first one it is a bonding experience and the second kid you are yelling at your toddler the whole time!